I very recently made a side scrolling platform game(beta) on gamemaker which you can play here . I did follow a YouTube tutorial, which you could compare my game to, here . Also, here is the .gmz file which will allow you to see the code I used In making the game, I tried my best at making my game different from what was shown by the tutorial and through what I brought with me from other previous as well as new tutorials. A simple way I made my game different was by using different images and sprites for the look of the game. I mostly used or drew sprites and backgrounds that were in no way connected or related. A difference my game has when compared to the tutorial, is the obstacle obj_bomb. In this object, I watched a couple of videos on gamemaker's physics in which I learned that it would really be unnecessary to use it in my case. With that information, I decided to follow the plat-former tutorial which used some code which I thought I coul...