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Scratch Level 4 - Make Your Own Game

My Game link:
Programming this game, I came across several problems, some I found fixable with others
not being possible to fix. Some of the problems were with the characters's motion and others with the controls of the game. I found that a player could constantly squat and hold down the fire button which was hard to counter, which was removed by programming with the <not __> block. I also found found that the characters were returning to costumes that made them look like they were turning back and forth which I found was, however, unsolvable in certain cases although it was possible with others by programming entire buttons to do a more advanced motion and not a combination of them. A character selection screen was also another one o my problen with how complicated it

I was able to get a basic understanding of the programming of the controls with projectile attacks and the backdrop and the point system from tutorials. However, there were limitations to what was already presented to me in tutorials which did not align with what I wanted in my game, it did not include more than 2 playable characters, a changing backdrop, some sound effects, a attack system which stopped characters being uneven in capability or the range of motions I hoped for. I added to the backdrop and included a character selection screen and a victory/defeat screen. I also added sound effects later in the process, when I had a little more time. The very basic attack system I created only allowed for 2 different types of attacks and each having the same value. I also added a sliding and diagonal jump feature that allowed for more complex combat.

My beta testers had 3 main complaints, firstly they thought the controls were to crowded with player 1, which I agreed with, so I moved the attacks from ZXCV to XCVB so they would interfere less with the motion (not the best, but best I could come up with). The second complaint was that the projectiles were firing too quickly, which i changed by slowing it down. Lastly, they also said it was missing the "grandiose" and "epic" openings and closings that come with other similar games, causing me to use the FIGHT sign and the K.O. at the end.

If I had more time I would definitely fix the issues with my game, the inability for characters to face the opposite direction without pressing buttons(possibly with a timer). I'd also add more characters, a FINISH HIM inspired game finisher( not too violent), more backdrops and better character design( Photoshop ).


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