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Showing posts from December, 2017


The game I plan to make for my scratch project will be based on the game Mortal Kombat. The game will likely be much simpler than the original, with characters likely just being non-human(easier to animate. I hope to have each character be capable of at least 5 attack moves and basic movement. The game will have the characters move with movement blocks and fire projectile attacks with looks and movement blocks. Under data there will likely be the speed and health of each of the characters and round number. For four classes I believe I can complete the game with at least 2 characters with the first class likely having me create data variables and creating the animation of the characters. In the second and third class I will likely focus mainly on programming. Finally in the third class I hopefully will be on the background(s)and finishing touches.

Scratch Level 3 - Pong

Project page: 1: While putting together the game, I faced a couple of problems. One of these problems was with how fast the ball started off and did not allow me to react quick enough, to fix this, I lowered the starting speed of the circle. I also found the game would take too long to get someone to score, so, I increased the rate at which the ball sped up. The coding was hard to keep track of at times, which I remedied by watching the tutorial and looking at the code often. 2: To differentiate my game from the tutorial, I first made the game a multiplayer game with two players as it was simple and allowed for more fun. I also played with the background, paddles and the circle. For the paddles, i used trampolines as it made sense with the circle bouncing around. I also used the button from the Watchmen, a graphic novel, and the background was just of a country I want to travel to. I also created a point system that allowed made the...